Simply stuffing them away in the wrong place can lead to brittleness, breakages and potentially build-up of mould and nasty bacteria, experts say
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People who wear hair extensions have been warned against fo
Looking for, let us say, “thrifty” essentials options for last-minute Christmas gifts for that outdoor enthusiast on your list?
Here’s a trio of ideas based on years of self-inflicted, life-threatening experiences.
Do you know someone, probably nicknamed “Lefty,” who’s
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The new and improved Anova Precision® Vacuum Sealer Bags are the first step in Anova's journey to becoming a more sustainable company
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Anova, a subsidiary of Electrolux (ELUX-B) and a leading p
888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
Designed to help sous vide users, avoid single-use plastic
SAN FRANCISCO , March 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Anova, a subsidiary of Electrolux (ELUX-B) and a leading provider of sous vide devices, today announced the launch of the Anova Precis
When it comes to organizing your home, it's common to feel either one of two ways: eagerly excited or completely overwhelmed. For me, it's usually a mix of both. However, after scouring the internet and looking for ways to ease my angst, I've learned that there are so many clever products on A
Sous vides make a great gift for the wild game cook on your list. Get the Anova Sous Vide on sale at Amazon
By Outdoor Life Commerce Team | Published Nov 29, 2021 10:56 AM
Cooking the perfect medium-rare backstrap is
Maybe you know that Edward Jenner is sometimes called the “Father of Immunology.” Maybe you know that Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine and declined to patent his invention. Maybe you’ve kept your finger on the pulse of vaccine news in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and consider
‘Tis the season to spend some quality time with your loved ones and enjoy all sorts of festive fun from the comfort of your home. But that shouldn't mean any extra work on your part. That's why Mental Floss has teamed up with Pizza Hut to provide you with three holiday hacks that you can us
By Paul Rincon Science editor, BBC News website
Scientists have developed a hi-tech sleeping bag that could prevent the vision problems that some astronauts experience while living in space.
In zero-gravity, fluids float into the head and squash the eyeball over time.
When you're hungry, few things are worse than stubborn packaging. A jar that won't open. A seal that cannot be peeled away. A perforated bag that will not tear. A plastic film that refuses to break. It truly does not get much worse than having your snack so close, but just out of reach.